


MECHANISMS OF INTERCELLULAR AND INTER-ORGANISMAL COMMUNICATION VIA RNA   SEPTEMBER 11-12 2023 CENTRE CULTUREL IRLANDAIS, PARIS   SEPTEMBER 11-12 2023 CENTRE CULTUREL IRLANDAIS, PARIS P R O G R A M M E       Monday 11th September 2023 09:15 – 9:30 Welcome & Introduction – Action Chair & Organizers 09:30 – 10:00 Cei Abreu-Goodger (University of...

“The Technology Transfer Process: Translating Extracellular RNA Research into the Market”.

“The Technology Transfer Process: Translating Extracellular RNA Research into the Market”. Palermo, May 20-22, 2024   Dear COST community, We are delighted to welcome you to a three-day Technology Transfer school, an event that will give you an overview of the tools to bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and market applications. The program and...

COST meeting on mechanisms of RNA in inter-cellular and inter-organismal communication in Paris Sep 11-12 2023

MECHANISMS OF INTERCELLULAR AND INTER-ORGANISMAL COMMUNICATION VIA RNA 11&12 September 2023 – Paris, France This meeting is co-organized by Working groups 1 & 2 and will bring together researchers using diverse models and from different disciplines to discuss their latest results around exRNA mechanisms and functions, including cross-species and host-pathogen interactions. We invite PIs and...

Previous workshop on EVs in inter-organismal communication

Extracellular Vesicles in Inter-Organismal Communication Workshop No 3: 30 November 2022, Edinburgh, UK (Hybrid) * please contact exRNA-PATH@ed.ac.uk if you would like the zoom link for Wednesday    Programme    Time (BST), Speaker, Title  9.15-9.30 Carine de Marcos Welcome & Opening Remarks  Session 1 . Chair: Paul Birch: EVs across diverse systems and applications 9.30-9.50 Silke Robatzek...


COST MEETING 1 5 & 1 6 J U N E 2 0 2 2 – T U R I N , I T A L Y V E N U E Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology Viale Mattioli, 25 – 10125 Torino P R O G R A M M E  ...